Anxiety - What can I do to stop it!
FAQ: Marty, every morning I wake up feeling so anxious! I hate it.
It makes me feel out of control.
It interferes with work and messes up my relationships.
What can I do to stop it!”
It makes me feel out of control.
It interferes with work and messes up my relationships.
What can I do to stop it!”
Anxiety takes a toll on most everyone. Some anxiety is seen as a normal part of living life. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), one in 13 people experiences anxiety.
With so many people suffering, I want to share with you a unique and revolutionary way to manage anxiety and reduce stress.
To be clear, when anxiety is pervasive and persistent it could be diagnosed as an "anxiety disorder" involving extreme fear or worry. I will not be addressing how to manage that kind of anxiety. What I will address is how to handle run-of-the-mill-anxiety before it becomes chronic.
To be clear, when anxiety is pervasive and persistent it could be diagnosed as an "anxiety disorder" involving extreme fear or worry. I will not be addressing how to manage that kind of anxiety. What I will address is how to handle run-of-the-mill-anxiety before it becomes chronic.
When we don’t understand something, our brain makes something up so we can feel safe. It sounds ridiculous to us now, but in ancient times, the Greeks thought that lightning and thunder was being thrown to earth by the angry god Zeus.
Last week, we busted the myth that “negative” feelings need to be avoided at all costs and discovered that feelings are your Best Friend, there to give you information. They awaken you where you are and what to do next so can get where you want to go.
This week we will explore how to transform anxiety into powerful self-expression that can bring you more connected relationships and greater prosperity like it did for Michele Piccione, Supreme Title.
Anxious to Empowered
When you wake up every morning with that seemingly uncontrollable energy coursing through your body, you can feel like there is something wrong with you – that you are broken and just need fixing. People will do whatever it takes to get it to “go away.”
I have good news! There is nothing to fix. Just more of you to discover.
The cause of this feeling has been misunderstood and mislabeled. What if that energy was in fact a creative energy force that wants to be expressed? When we suppress, push down, what we want to express, the pressure builds inside of us. That energy makes us feel more and more agitated and frustrated. At times, we can feel like we are going to explode.
A Bit Shocking
What I am going to say next will surprise you and may even make you feel uncomfortable. What I ask is that you are willing to be willing to consider understanding your anxiety in a new way. It has helped hundreds of people I have work with to feel more at peace, confident, and to get great results.
What if that anxiety is actually your sensual creative energy that is there to make you feel live and vital so that you will be inspired and motivated to say or do whatever it is you want to say or do?
Sensual, sexual energy is a creative energy force that can be used in several ways. Obviously, it can be used to attract a mate, enjoy wonderful intimate times, and create babies.
When used day to day, that creative energy source is what makes us feel alive, excited, energized. It is a creative force that gets people to envision and paint the Sistine Chapel, perform on stage, send us to the moon, create your new marketing campaign, create a new program to get children to learn more easily, design a garden, write the book you always wanted to write, send brilliant emails that bring new customers and so that you can have a rich connection with those you love.
Naughty to Profitable
When we were children, we were taught that sexual pleasure was naughty and to be avoided. With that drilled into our heads, when we feel the excitement of that energy coursing through our body, we feel ashamed, uncomfortable and don’t know what to do with it.
I have worked with several men who had found themselves being drawn to women outside of their marriage. When I explained they could use that energy to improve their marketing, come up with new products, make more money, and have a happy home life, they learned to do just that with great results.
One man declared, “You are right! When I was living easy and at school and not engaging my creativity, my wife would check my phone every night to see if had been off with someone. As soon I was pouring my creative energy into creating T-shirt designs and bags and other products, she never checked my phone again and she didn’t need to!”
Take a Leap of Faith
Even as I was writing this blog, off and on I felt “anxious” because I was stopping myself from saying what I wanted to say about this sensual, sexual energy. I was afraid you might judge me or dismiss what I am telling you because it is such a revolutionary understanding. I had to keep taking a deep breath to center myself and then take a leap of faith and keep writing. My desire to have you know this information was greater than my fear of your rebuke.
Let Your Creative Ideas Fly Free
Let your anxiety be your Best Friend. Let it inspire you to allow yourself to express yourself rather than suppress who you are and lose out on making more money and/or creating a life you love.
Stand in your power of caring more about your belief in your value than the possible judgment of others.
Let your creative ideas fly free so that you can feel at peace with who you are, calm and centered.

Look for upcoming Workshop on ZOOM
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